With Elden Ring having a new DLC called nightreign in the works. Attention is bound to be focused back on the game potential buyers are bound to be asking. Is the game worth it ? Well that’s what I’m here to answer for you. The three main points we’ll be discussing are performance on newer and older gen consoles and the game play.
So performance Elden Ring is a game that has incredible graphics and views so people are bound to ask “can my console/pc handle the game ?” And for the console example we’ll be discussing the performance on Xbox consoles. The Series X and the Xbox One will be used for the examples. We’ll start off with the Xbox One as it was an earlier release console. So the Xbox One I’ll be honest can handle Elden Ring and its DLC the only issue is that you can’t experience the full beauty of Elden Rings graphics. But if your goal is to just enjoy the gameplay and story then an Xbox One would serve your purpose well. Now onto an Xbox Series X will more than serve your purpose being able to enjoy both the graphics and gameplay. But one issue that both of the Xbox’s will experience is lag and occasional crashing if you max out settings. Now for PC as usual it will vary depending on the specs of your PC but even the most average PC should be able to run it better than a Xbox X and a below average should be able run it somewhere around a Xbox X.
Now for gameplay it is the usual dark souls gameplay loop but this time in an open world format. So the gameplay takes place in the open world called “The Lands Between.” And as you explore the world you come across enemies, dungeons and bosses to challenge your skills and encourage growth and every one of these challenges can give you armour or weapons to expand your arsenal and challenge you to learn new weapons. Along with plenty of quests scattered around the open world you play in. One downside about the game is the fact that they reused some types of dungeons and that quests can be highly confusing without something to help guide you during them or are willing to explore for long periods of time.

So in summary the game can run well on anything similar to a Xbox Series One and above in quality despite the quality of the graphics. And the gameplay can be summarized as an open world version of the other games with lots of quests and things to collect but those same quests while being an upside for some people can be a downside for others.